Template:Ability Infobox/Doc

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Use this to place abilities on unit pages. Do not put a blank space between the code when adding multiple abilities to the page or it could put more space between them than expected. Choose Edit Source on the page you want to add this to and copy and paste the following code:

{{Ability Infobox
| activeAbility=<INPUT>
| unitName=<INPUT>
| abilityName=<INPUT>
| abilityTypeCAPS=<INPUT>
| abilityType=<INPUT>
| abilityMaterial=<INPUT>
| maxLevel=<INPUT>
| cooldownNumber=<INPUT>
| description=<INPUT>
| maxLevelDescription=<INPUT>

Replace <INPUT> with your own information where:

activeAbility is to switch between the passive ability infobox by leaving it blank and the active ability infobox by entering Yes.
unitName is the units name. Note:Do not include any special characters other than - in the name.
abilityName is the name of the ability.
abilityTypeCAPS is the type of ability in all capital letters.Note: Specials are numbered based on the order they appear in the character screen from top to bottom, with top being SPECIAL01. For passive abilities this is used to identify the number of the passive ability icon.
abilityType is the type of ability with the first letter capital.Note: Do not add the number to this.
abilityMaterial is the type of ability material used to obtain the max level.Note: Only options are Omega, Zeta and Mk III.
maxLevel is the max level the ability can reach.
cooldownNumber is the cooldown number.Note: Leave blank for basic abilities.
description is the description of the ability at its max level.
maxLevelDescription is the description of the added effect the ability gets when obtaining the max level.

Proper Formatting

  • Place additional abilities starting on the same line as the last abilities closing curly brackets. }}{{New ability.
  • Use breaks <br />in ability descriptions just like they are in-game to space paragraphs apart.
  • Bold the added text from omega and zeta abilities within the description.
  • If a description contains information about a granted ability wrap it in a <div class="granted-ability"> and bold the ability name.


Direct Focus
{{Ability Infobox
| activeAbility=Yes
| unitName=Jedi Knight Revan
| abilityName=Direct Focus
| abilityTypeCAPS=SPECIAL02
| abilityType=Special
| abilityMaterial=Zeta
| maxLevel=8
| cooldownNumber=3
| description=Inflict <b>Buff Immunity</b> and Marked on target enemy for 2 turns (these <b>effects</b> can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted). <b>Increase target enemy's cooldowns by 1, which can't be resisted</b>, and reduce their Turn Meter by 50% and <b>Stun them for 1 turn</b>. This attack can't be evaded. Call all Jedi allies to assist dealing 50% less damage.<br /> <div class="granted-ability"><b>Marked:</b> All enemies will target this unit.</div>
| maxLevelDescription=Add Buff Immunity for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted, increase their cooldowns by 1, which can't be resisted, and Stun the target for 1 turn.